• Scenic analysis
  • Dieter Umlauf
  • 21.07.2020
  • English
  • Literature
  • E (Expertenstandard)
  • 11
  • Einzelarbeit
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Scenic Analysis (novel)

1. Introduction

"Umbrella sentence" with 5 pieces of information

  • text form / type (short story / novel / drama [comedy / tragedy]
  • author,
  • title,
  • date and time of publication,
  • one-sentence: short and synoptic survey of the plot *

2. Main Part

2.1 Summary of the scene at hand (don't get bogged down by details!)

   embedding the scene in to the context

  • Who? (characters: antagonists / protagoists / secondary characters)
  • What? (plot / action)
  • Where & when? (place and time of action)
  • What motifs do the characters hace?
  • How do they interact?
  • What is the outcome of the scene?

Initial thesis:

The thesis statement is a one or two sentence encapsulation of your paper’s main point, main idea, or main message. Your paper’s thesis statement will be addressed and defended in the body paragraphs and the conclusion.

2.2 Analysis of  the verbal / nonverbal Interactions correlatinos of the characters

  • analyis of:  syntax / choice of words / rhetoric devices  / form and structure
  • correlations between language and plot
  • form of communiation; symmetric / asymmetric
  • form of discourse: monologue / dialogue / scenic desciption
  • relationship between the caracters / their motives

Characterization of  a character / the caracaters (do not quote general information about the character(s) - have a close look at the scene and characterize them against the background of the very setting / scene)

  • analyis of  stagedirections (drama) / descriptive / narrative / commentray parts (novel)


3.1 Function of the scene / evalution / comment

  • general function of the scene within the contextual framework of the source / turning point / climax / peripetie
  • author's intention
  • impact on the other characters / the course of the action
  • Comment on the "maing of the scene" ( is it typical of its temper / genre / topic?)
  • incorporation of background knowledge to round up the conclusion
  • synopsis and personal comment  ( => alluding back to the initial thesis

4. Formal Aspects

  2. Give evidence for ALL your theses with the help of quotations from the text
  3. Mark all your quotations correctly!
  4. You may shorten the text (...) or [change parts of it] (verbforms / pronouns etc.) to bring it into line with your argumentation
  5. DO NOT CRIPPLE quotations - they MUST be complete grammatically and syntactically speaking.
  6. DO NOT paraphrase the text and "PROVE" it with a synonymous quotation
  7. Avoid redundancies (do not repeat any arguments / theses)
  8. Structure your text - indent paragraphs