• The UK System of Government
  • Edschke
  • 14.06.2023
  • English
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King Charles III - bio­gra­phy

Journey to The Throne: The Life of King Charles III - Part One
documentary #royalfamily #kingcharles In this Royal Family Channel Exclusive, we share a brief two-part history of our future ...
Watch the video and for­mu­la­te four ques­ti­ons for a fel­low stu­dent to ans­wer. Note down the ans­wers you ex­pect from your part­ner!
Crea­te a time­line of the events men­ti­o­ned in the do­cu­men­ta­ry on King Charles III
Ho­me­work: Watch the se­cond part of the pro­gram­me and fi­nish your time­line of King Charles III.
Journey to The Throne: The Life of King Charles III - Part Two
Follow us for more royal news, history, and highlights: ♛ Subscribe to our brand new show, exclusive to Snapchat ...
Crea­te four ques­ti­ons with ans­wers for your fel­low stu­dents, at least one of them is sup­po­sed to be as­king for an in­ter­pre­ta­ti­on/opi­ni­on on a given event.