• Worksheet film language
  • anonym
  • 09.01.2023
  • English
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How to tell a film-​story

Telling a "film-​story" is not really dif­fer­ent from telling a nor­mal "text-​story".

The cam­era is your nar­rator and provides dif­fer­ent points of view - de­pend­ing on what you would like to tell and how you in­tend to present it.

Of course, sound and cuts sup­port the pic­tures.

So, you can have an ob­ject­ive nar­rator, i. e. the cam­era just shows everything without ex­plain­ing that much (or maybe noth­ing at all).

A first-​person nar­rat­ive in film means, we get the view of a cer­tain per­son (or ob­ject!), i. e. we see things as the char­ac­ter who tells the story sees them.

As a se­lect­ive nar­rator, the cam­era would show the ac­tions, thoughts and emo­tions of one char­ac­ter or maybe two prot­ag­on­ists, show­ing them 'from the out­side'.

An om­ni­scient nar­rator or cam­era would give in­sights into al­most every­body's lives and re­veal more in­form­a­tion than the char­ac­ters them­selves have (e. g. DEA of­ficer Hank does not know that Wal­ter, his own brother in law, is the no­tori­ous drug pro­du­cer "Heis­en­berg", but the view­ers know (as they are told by pic­tures and sound). This cre­ates a lot of sus­pense and some­times even funny situ­ations.

Fur­ther nar­rat­ive devices:

  • flash­backs
  • state­ments / in­sinu­ations about the fu­ture
  • par­al­lel storytelling ...



Plea­se watch the video:
  • Kli­cken Sie dop­pelt oder auf den Stift, um den In­halt di­rekt im rech­ten Menü zu be­ar­bei­ten.
  • Nut­zen Sie den roten Ra­dier­gum­mi oben rechts im Menü des Bau­steins, um sei­nen In­halt zu lee­ren.
How to Analyse a Film - Cinematic Techniques
This video will teach you how to analyse a film, showing you a variety of cinematic techniques and explaining their effect.
Now make a plan of HOW you are going to tell your story.
  • Kli­cken Sie dop­pelt oder auf den Stift, um den In­halt di­rekt im rech­ten Menü zu be­ar­bei­ten.
  • Nut­zen Sie den roten Ra­dier­gum­mi oben rechts im Menü des Bau­steins, um sei­nen In­halt zu lee­ren.
Fi­nal­ly turn your plan into a film of about 2-3 mi­nu­tes.
  • Kli­cken Sie dop­pelt oder auf den Stift, um den In­halt di­rekt im rech­ten Menü zu be­ar­bei­ten.
  • Nut­zen Sie den roten Ra­dier­gum­mi oben rechts im Menü des Bau­steins, um sei­nen In­halt zu lee­ren.

Eva­lu­a­ti­on of your film

Your film ...

... has a good plot.

... uses ci­ne­ma­tic de­vices (ca­me­ra angle, field size, ...) to crea­te me­a­ning.

... con­tains sound con­vey­ing a messa­ge.

... proves your Eng­lish lan­guage skills to be quite nice.

... gets grade ...

