• Chapter 3
  • MNWeG
  • 04.02.2025
  • English
  • Literature
  • R (Regelstandard)
  • 5, 6
  • Arbeitsblatt
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PAGES 12 - 13

Read pages 12 and 13 while lis­te­ning to them.

Lies die Sei­ten 12 und 13, wäh­rend du die Auf­nah­me hörst.

Ans­wer the ques­ti­ons in com­ple­te sen­ten­ces.
Be­ant­wor­te die Fra­gen in gan­zen Sät­zen.
1. What is the pro­blem in Rum­ble­d­um­ble‘s house?
Outside the garden it’s spring but inside the garden it’s still winter.
2. Who is going away?
The mother duck, the baby ducks, the squirrels, the frogs and all the other animals are going away.

3. What is gro­wing on Rum­ble­d­um­ble‘s win­dow?
Icicles grow on the window.

4. What is Rum­ble­d­um­ble doing in the house?
He dusts the clocks and the pictures and cleans the windows and waits for spring.

PAGES 14 - 17

Read pages 14 to 17.

Lies die Sei­ten 14 bis 17.

Mixed sen­ten­ces
Put the sen­ten­ces in the cor­rect order.
Sor­tie­re die Sätze in der rich­ti­gen Rei­hen­fol­ge.
  • The snow falls more and more.
  • The gar­den has a big white coat.
  • Rum­ble­d­um­ble waits and waits and spring doesn‘t come.
  • Still no spring.
  • Rum­ble­d­um­ble cle­ans the book­ca­se and cle­ans the win­dows again and waits for spring.
  • And then one day he hears a bird sin­ging.
  • Rum­bel­dum­ble is tired.
  • He sits next to the win­dow and cries.
  • He makes the beds and sweeps the floor.