• Description of my family
  • MNWeG
  • 22.01.2024
  • English
  • R (Regelstandard), E (Expertenstandard)
  • 5
  • Arbeitsblatt
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I'm Ola

"Hi, I'm Ola and I'm ten years old.

My fa­mi­ly is super big and we all live very close to each other in the city of Lon­don.

There is al­ways a lot of going on bir­th­days or other fa­mi­ly events.

Both of my cou­sins look alike since they are twins.

They both also like to wear the same clo­thes which makes it hard to find out who is who.

We call them Tin and Tan in our fa­mi­ly, even though their names are Tho­mas and Otto.

Their mo­ther, my aunt Lucy, is such a sweethe­art and her most fa­vou­ri­te thing to do is ba­king cakes.

Oh, her cakes are de­li­cious!

She brings them to every oc­ca­si­on and the people go crazy about them.

My other aunt, Linda, is one busy woman.

She is run­ning two busi­nesses toge­ther with my uncle and her daugh­ter Ruby.

So their whole fa­mi­ly is al­ways busy thin­king about their shops and their cos­tu­mers.

I love being in their shop!

Linda's goal is to sell nice things to nice people, whe­re­as my uncle's dream is to make a lot of money.

So­me­times there are big ar­gu­ments about this and my mo­ther, Linda's sis­ter, usu­al­ly tries to help out.

But what do you think helps the most?

Lucy's cakes of cour­se!"

Read the text more than one time. Un­der­line words you don't know and look them up.
Lies den Text mehr­mals durch. Un­ter­strei­che un­be­kann­te Wör­ter und schaue sie in einem On­line­wör­ter­buch (leo.org oder deepl.com) nach. Du kannst sie unten in die Ta­bel­le no­tie­ren.



very close to

sehr nahe zusammen

De­ci­de whe­ther the state­ments ar true or false. Ent­schei­de, wel­che Aus­sa­gen zum Text rich­tig oder falsch sind.
Tick true or false. Hake rich­tig oder falsch an.
Ola is ten years old.
Ola lives with her fa­mi­ly in York.
Both cou­sins look very dif­fe­rent.
The cou­sins' names are Tim and Tom.
Aunt Lucy loves ba­king cakes.
Linda's daugh­ter is cal­led Rosie.
Ola loves being in her aunt's shop.
Her uncle's dream is ha­ving a fast car.
My mo­ther helps in the shop.

Fur­ther­mo­re: De­scrip­ti­on of my fa­mi­ly

Lis­ten to Ola at least five times.
Read the text aloud. Go to your Eng­lish teacher and read the text aloud.

Höre die Auf­nah­me min­des­tens fünf­mal an. Lies den Text dazu laut vor.
Gehe zu dei­nem Eng­lisch­lern­be­glei­ter und lese den Text flüs­sig vor.

Fill in your fa­mi­ly‘s names.

Setze die Namen dei­ner Fa­mi­li­en­mit­glie­der ein.
Draw a fa­mi­ly tree about your fa­mi­ly and name the most im­portant mem­bers of your fa­mi­ly.

Zeich­ne einen Fa­mi­li­en­stamm­baum und be­nen­ne die wich­tigs­ten Mit­glie­der dei­ner Fa­mi­lie.
De­scri­be your fa­mi­ly. Write 5 to 8 sen­ten­ces.

Be­schrei­be deine Fa­mi­lie. Schrei­be 5 bis 8 Sätze.

Start like Ola:

Hi, I'm... and I'm ... years old...
