• Diwali - Reading
  • MNWeG
  • 22.01.2024
  • English
  • Arbeitsblatt, Information
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Di­wa­li is a re­li­gious fes­ti­vi­ty, main­ly ce­le­bra­ted by the Hindu people in India. Di­wa­li means fes­ti­val of lights or row of lights.

This fes­ti­vi­ty usu­al­ly lasts 5 days, where the people come toge­ther and ce­le­bra­te.

People clean their houses and de­co­ra­te it with lights. They also crea­te co­lor­ful ran­go­li art­works on floors.

In these 5 days of Di­wa­li, people honor dif­fe­rent gods and god­des­ses of the Hindu be­lief.

They wor­ship the Lord Ga­nes­ha for wel­fa­re and pro­spe­ri­ty and God­dess Laksh­mi for wealth and wis­dom.

In many places in India, fire­works are part of this fes­ti­vi­ty. Oil lamps are placed all over and spe­cial di­wa­li can­dies and pas­try are han­ded to each other.

Find the cor­rect trans­la­ti­on. Finde die rich­ti­ge Über­set­zung.
Di­wa­li is a re­li­gious fes­ti­vi­ty, main­ly ce­le­bra­ted by the Hindu people in India.
Die­ses Fest dau­ert in der Regel 5 Tage, an dem die Men­schen zu­sam­men­kom­men und fei­ern.
Di­wa­li means fes­ti­val of lights or row of lights.
Di­wa­li ist ein re­li­gi­ö­ses Fest, das haupt­säch­lich von den Hindu in In­di­en ge­fei­ert wird.
This fes­ti­vi­ty usu­al­ly lasts 5 days, where the people come toge­ther and ce­le­bra­te.
Di­wa­li be­deu­tet Fest der Lich­ter oder Reihe aus Lich­tern.
People clean their houses and de­co­ra­te it with lights.
Über­all wer­den Öl­lam­pen auf­ge­stellt und spe­zi­el­le Di­wa­li Sü­ßig­kei­ten und Ge­bäck wer­den ver­teilt.
They also crea­te co­lor­ful ran­go­li art­works on floors.
Sie ver­eh­ren Gott Ga­nes­ha für Wohl­erge­hen und Wohl­stand, die Göt­tin Laksh­mi für Reich­tum und Weis­heit.
In these 5 days of Di­wa­li, people honor dif­fe­rent gods and god­des­ses of the Hindu be­lief.
Sie ge­stal­ten auch bunte rangoli-​Kunstwerke auf dem Boden.
They wor­ship the Lord Ga­nes­ha for wel­fa­re and pro­spe­ri­ty and God­dess Laksh­mi for wealth and wis­dom.
In vie­len Orten In­di­ens ge­hö­ren Feu­er­wer­ke zu die­sem Fest.
In many places in India, fire­works are part of this fes­ti­vi­ty.
Die Men­schen put­zen ihre Häu­ser und schmü­cken sie mit Lich­tern.
An die­sem 5tä­gi­gen Diwali-​Fest ver­ehrt man ver­schie­de­ne Göt­ter und Göt­tin­nen des hin­du­is­ti­schen Glau­bens.
Oil lamps are placed all over and spe­cial di­wa­li can­dies and pas­try are han­ded to each other.