• Hanukkah - Viewing
  • MNWeG
  • 22.01.2024
  • English
  • Arbeitsblatt
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Se­sa­me Street:
Ha­nuk­kah With Ve­ro­ni­ca Mo­ni­ca
Find the cor­rect trans­la­ti­on. Finde die rich­ti­ge Über­set­zung.
During Hanukkah people celebrate a miracle of lights.
The Jewish people once were not allowed to worship their traditions.
The story of Hanukkah is very old.

  • Wäh­rend Ha­nuk­kah fei­ern die Men­schen ein Lich­ter­wun­der.

  • Die Ge­schich­te von Ha­nuk­kah ist sehr alt.

  • Die Juden konn­ten da­mals ihre Tra­di­ti­on nicht fei­ern.
Bring the story into the cor­rect order. Brin­ge die Ge­schich­te in die rich­ti­ge Rei­hen­fol­ge.
  • The Je­wish got back their land and temp­le.
  • A new king came and for­bit the je­wish tra­di­ti­ons.
  • The lamp bur­ned for 8 days.
  • They cle­a­ned the temp­le and lit a lamp.
  • A je­wish man, cal­led Mac­ca­bee fought against the new king.