• Mediation
  • MNWeG
  • 20.09.2023
  • English
  • M (Mindeststandard)
  • 7
  • Arbeitsblatt
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Find a part­ner and your teacher.
Your part­ner is Clau­dia, your mo­ther.
Your teacher is Dr. Paul, the doc­tor.
You and your mo­ther are on a hi­king trip in the Loch Lo­mond Na­ti­o­nal Park in Scot­land.
After a tour, your mo­ther has pro­blems with her foot and needs to see a doc­tor. Your mo­ther Clau­dia speaks only a litt­le Eng­lish.
You have to help her!

Wei­te­re wich­ti­ge Infos und
Übun­gen fin­dest du im Packa­ge:

Me­thod Guide - Me­di­a­ti­on in con­ver­sa­ti­ons

Dr. Paul
Good afternoon. I'm Dr.Paul. How can I help you?
Er grüßt uns. Sein Name ist Doktor Paul und er möchte wissen, wie er uns helfen kann.
Sag ihm, mein rechter Fuß tut sehr weh. Es tut weh, wenn ich gehe.
She wants you to know that her right foot hurts a lot. It hurts when she walks.

Dr. Paul
Could you please take off your socks. I have to examine your foot. Maybe we need to do an ultrasound.
Er sagt, dass

Oh das tut weh! Kann ich Medizin bekommen?
She says that
And she asks
Dr. Paul
Yes, of course. And she should also cool it. It is nothing bad. Please try to rest for 2 days.
Er sagt
Er sagt, dass du
Sag, dass ich sehr dankbar bin und frage, wie ich für die Behandlung zahlen kann.
She says that And she would like

Dr. Paul
You are very welcome. You can pay at the reception. All the best for you!
Er sagt Er wünscht dir

Thanks a lot Dr. Paul. Goodbye.

Act it out!
