• Mediation of written information: Übung
  • MNWeG
  • 20.02.2023
  • English
Um die Lizenzinformationen zu sehen, klicken Sie bitte den gewünschten Inhalt an.
Sieh dir die Schil­der genau an. Be­schrei­be dei­ner Mut­ter auf Deutsch, um was es sich bei den Schil­dern han­delt.
Sieh dir die Schil­der genau an. Be­schrei­be dei­nem eng­li­schen Onkel auf Eng­lisch, was auf den Schil­dern steht.
You are in Lon­don with your fri­ends. You would like to go to the Na­ti­o­nal Park. How do you get there and how long does it take to get there?
Give the ans­wers in Ger­man.

Dart­moor Na­ti­o­nal Park is in Devon in south-​west Eng­land. It is about 230 miles from Lon­don. It is best to tra­vel there by train. The train from Lon­don Pad­ding­ton to Ply­mouth lea­ves every hour and takes about 3,5 hours.

You are at Pura­kern in Walds­hut with some fri­ends from Eng­land. Tell your fri­ends about
  • the store con­cept
  • how to buy things at the store
  • 5 things to buy at the store