• My hometown
  • MNWeG
  • 22.01.2024
  • English
  • M (Mindeststandard)
  • 5
  • Arbeitsblatt
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My home­town

Lis­ten to the audio. Work on the fol­lo­wing tasks.

Höre dir die Auf­nah­me an.
Be­ar­bei­te an­schlie­ßend die Auf­ga­ben.
Tick the cor­rect ans­wers. Hake die rich­ti­gen Ant­wor­ten an.

The girl's name is...
In summer you can...
Brighton is in...
Listen to the audio again. Put the sentences in the right order. Höre dir die Aufnahme noch einmal an. Bringe die Sätze in die richtige Reihenfolge.
  • Hi! My name is Cassy.
  • That's in the south of England.
  • At the seaside there are a lot of food stalls where you can buy Fish & Chips. Yummy!
  • I love my hometown because it's a really beautiful town.
  • I love playing frisbee at the beach with my friends.
  • I live in Brighton.
  • If you like to eat something sweet, you can buy ice cream.
  • In summer you can do a trip to the beach and go swimming but the water is really cold.
Put in the right ques­ti­on words. Setze das pas­sen­de Fra­ge­wort ein.

Ex­amp­le: Who is Cassy? Cassy is a girl.

Good to know:

what = was

who = wer

when = wann

where = wo

  • is the girl's name? The girl's name is Cassy.
  • does she live? She lives in Brighton.
  • can you do a trip to the beach? In summer you can do a trip to the beach.
  • are a lot of food stalls? At the seaside there are a lot of food stalls.
  • can you buy at the food stalls? You can buy Fish & Chips and ice cream.


what = was

where = wo

Com­ple­te the dia­lo­gue. Ver­voll­stän­di­ge den Dia­log.

Mr Brown: is - your name - What?  

What is your name________________________________________________________?

You: My name is _______________________________________________________.

Mr Brown: you - live - Where - do ?


You: ____________________________________________________________________________.

Mr Brown: is - Where - Waldshut-​Tiengen?


You: __________________________________________________________________.

Mr. Brown: can - you - What - do - in sum­mer?


You: __________________________________________________________________.

Test yours­elf on­line!
