• My small family
  • MNWeG
  • 22.01.2024
  • English
  • R (Regelstandard), E (Expertenstandard)
  • 5
  • Arbeitsblatt
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My small fa­mi­ly

Lis­ten to the re­cor­ding My small fa­mi­ly.

Höre dir die Auf­nah­me My small fa­mi­ly an.

Work on the fol­lo­wing tasks.

Be­ar­bei­te die nach­fol­gen­den Auf­ga­ben.

Fill in the gaps. Fülle die Lü­cken aus.

My is He­le­na and live in Lon­don. I have quite a fa­mi­ly. I with my mum, my and my youn­ger brot­her Ro­bert. I get on well with my but when we youn­ger, me and my used to argue quite a lot.

When I'm away at uni­ver­si­ty I miss my fa­mi­ly a lot. I also have a and lots of who I see on ho­li­days like christ­mas.

Write three sen­ten­ces about your fa­mi­ly. Schrei­be drei Sätze über deine Fa­mi­lie auf.

1) My name is ____________________________________ and I live in _____________________________________.

2) I have quite a ______________________________ (small / big) ________________________________________.

3) I live with my _______________________________________________________________________ in a ____________________________ (house / flat).
