• Pages 16 - 22
  • MNWeG
  • 18.10.2024
  • English
  • Literature
  • M (Mindeststandard)
  • 5, 6
  • Arbeitsblatt
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PAGES 16 - 22

Read pages 16 to 22 while lis­te­ning to them.

Lies die Sei­ten 16 - 22, wäh­rend du die Auf­nah­me hörst.

Ans­wer the ques­ti­ons in com­ple­te sen­ten­ces.
Be­ant­wor­te die Fra­gen in gan­zen Sät­zen.
1. The Win­kies mend two cha­rac­ters. Who? They mend the tin woodman and the scarecrow.

2. What is wrong with the Wi­zard of OZ?
The Wizard isn‘t a real wizard.

3. How does the Wi­zard want to help Do­ro­thy?
He wants to take her home in a balloon.

4. What does the sol­dier tell Do­ro­thy to do?
He tells her to go and ask the Good Witch of the South.
