• Pages 8 - 11
  • MNWeG
  • 04.02.2025
  • English
  • Literature
  • R (Regelstandard)
  • 5, 6
  • Arbeitsblatt
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PAGES 8 - 11

Read pages 8 to 11.

Lies die Sei­ten 8 bis 11.

Ans­wer the ques­ti­ons in com­ple­te sen­ten­ces.
Be­ant­wor­te die Fra­gen in gan­zen Sät­zen.
1. Where do PB3 and Robin go with Fred and what do they do? They go to the village to buy some fruit and vegetables.

2. Where do PB3 and Robin hide?
They hide in a box.

3. What does Fred buy at the shop?
He buys lemons, carrots, potatoes, oranges, onions, bananas, grapes, pears, tomatoes and half a watermelon.

4. How are PB3 and Robin?
They are very surprised and very happy.

Find the cor­rect pairs and con­nect them.
Finde die rich­ti­gen Paar und ver­bin­de sie.

  • pears
  • le­mons
  • oni­ons
  • to­mato­es
  • car­rots
  • po­ta­to­es
  • gra­pes
  • purple
  • yel­low
  • brown
  • green
  • light brown
  • oran­ge
  • red
Count us
How many bana­nas, oni­ons, car­rots and po­ta­to­es can you see on the table?
Wie viele Ba­na­nen, Zwie­beln, Ka­rot­ten und Kar­tof­feln siehst du auf dem Tisch?
On pages ele­ven and twel­ve I can see…
Auf den Sei­ten elf und zwölf sehe ich…




