• Phase 12/13 Mountain Pose
  • MNWeG
  • 20.02.2023
  • English
  • 12, 13
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Is it true that yoga will awa­ken deeper en­er­gy, which is cal­led kun­da­li­ni?

J. Krishna­mur­ti, 1979

Out­line the lec­tu­re of J. Krishna­mur­ti.
Yoga is said to ori­gin in India many thousand years ago.

Re­se­arch the ori­gins of Yoga fur­ther and write your in­for­ma­ti­on down in form of a mind map.
Some yogis say that yoga star­ted as a form of pro­test against the ex­plo­ita­ti­on of ani­mals and our earth.

Write down how we cur­rent­ly ex­ploit our pla­net.
Yoga heals our body as well as our mind - could it also help us to save our pla­net?
What do you think?
Write a short ar­gu­men­ta­ti­ve essay.