• Preparation
  • MNWeG
  • 20.09.2023
  • English
  • E (Expertenstandard)
  • 7
  • Arbeitsblatt
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All necess­a­ry vo­ca­bu­la­ry can be found
on Quizlet
Look at the pic­tures in­si­de the book.
De­scri­be 3 of the 9 pic­tures with one or two sen­ten­ces each. Write your de­scrip­ti­on down.

Use the pre­sent pro­gres­si­ve

In pic­tu­re one, there is / there are...

In the fo­re­ground, ... In the back­ground, ...

On the left, ... On the right, ... In the midd­le, ...

At the top, ... At the bot­tom, ...

For ex­amp­le: 1) In pic­tu­re one, a man is tal­king to a boy. In the fo­re­ground, the boy is hol­ding a spoon next to a table with a plate, bread and water.