• Present progressive |B|
  • MNWeG
  • 17.11.2023
  • English
  • Grammar
  • M (Mindeststandard)
  • 7
  • Gelingensnachweis
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Make sen­ten­ces in pre­sent pro­gres­si­ve.
10 / 10
a) I / to sit on a chair

b) He / to sing a song

c) She / to walk the dog.

c) We / to watch the movie.

d) The kids/ to eat their pizza.

Make ques­ti­ons in pre­sent pro­gres­si­ve.
8 / 8
a) Susie - to want - a new dress

b) they - to clean - the floor

c) you - to lis­ten - to the teacher

c) I - to think

Write the sen­ten­ces again. Put them into their ne­ga­ti­ve ver­si­on.
8 / 8
a) We are play­ing a game.
Ordne zu!
  • We are playing a game.
  • We are not playing a game
We are not play­ing a game.
b)They are ea­ting toge­ther.

c) I am working at home.

d) Laura is dancing in a club.

e) Dad is working in the gar­den.

Ask for the part writ­ten in bold let­ters.
4 / 4
a) Ash­ley is going to a re­stau­rant.
Where is Ash­ley going?
b)They are mee­ting in the af­ter­noon.

c)The child is sin­ging a song.

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