• Reading
  • MNWeG
  • 22.01.2024
  • English
  • 7
  • Arbeitsblatt
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Re­wil­ding na­tu­re

Have you ever heard of re­wil­ding? This con­cept has gai­ned some at­ten­ti­on la­te­ly and is an ap­proach to res­to­ring sus­tain­a­ble bio­di­ver­si­ty and eco­sys­tem health.

Re­wil­ding aims to pro­tect im­portant wil­der­ness to pre­vent spe­ci­es from going ex­tinct.

You might be won­de­ring about the neces­si­ty of such at­tempts - isn't there enough green stuff around us? And why do people even go out and sup­port these kind of pro­jects?

It is all lin­ked toge­ther.

We, the people are part of it, the na­tu­re. And we, the people, need it, the na­tu­re, to sur­vi­ve. Na­tu­re pro­du­ces oxy­gen for us to brea­the. Na­tu­re con­su­mes the car­bon di­oxi­de that we, the people pro­du­ce.

This is the link for life on our pla­net.

Ex­plain the term eco­sys­tem using your own words.
Do we re­al­ly need na­tu­re? State your opi­ni­on.