• Skills and techniques 2
  • MNWeG
  • 17.10.2023
  • English
  • 9
  • Arbeitsblatt
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Your fri­end from Lon­don is co­ming to a Yoga work­shop in Ber­lin with you. In­form him about ever­y­thing the in­struc­tor wants him to know. You do not have to write com­ple­te sen­ten­ces.

Sag dei­nem Freund, dass er un­be­dingt be­que­me Klei­dung mit­brin­gen muss und frag ihn, ob er viel­leicht eine Yo­ga­mat­te mit­brin­gen könn­te. Frag ihn auch, ob er schon ein­mal Yoga ge­macht hat.

You really have to bring comfortable clothes. And the instructor wants to know if you can bring a yoga mat with you. And she wants me to ask you, if you have done yoga before.

Der Work­shop be­ginnt schon um 9 Uhr mor­gens. Hat dein Freund mor­gens gro­ßen Hun­ger? Sag ihm, er muss sich ge­nü­gend Was­ser mit­brin­gen. Ich freue mich schon auf euch.

The workshop starts at 9 in the morning. She wants to know if you are super hungry in the morning.
She said that you have to bring enough water. And she said that she is really excited to see us.