• Skills and techniques 2
  • MNWeG
  • 18.09.2023
  • English
  • 9
  • Arbeitsblatt
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You and your pa­rents are on a city trip to Lon­don. After a tour, your father does not feel well and needs to see a doc­tor. Your father‘s Eng­lish is not good. You help.
Dr. Craig
Good afternoon. I am Dr.Craig. How can I help you?
Good afternoon. Please excuse me, my father does not speak English very well.
Your father
Sag ihm, dass mir schlecht ist und super heiß. Ich kann mich kaum bewegen.

Dr. Craig
Could you please lay down here. I will measure your temperature and take a Corona quick test.

Your father
Ich bin sehr erschöpft. Kann ich etwas für mein Immunsystem bekommen?

Dr. Craig
Yes, of course. He should rest a lot. It is nothing very serious. The Corona test was negative so he might just have caught a cold. No tours in the next days.

Dr. Craig
Here you are. Your prescription for some vitamins and minerals. Take them three times a day, after eating something.

Your father
Sag ihm ,dass ich sehr dankbar bin und frage, ob meine Versicherung das übernimmt oder ob ich bar bezahlen muss.

Dr. Craig
My assistant will handle that. Get well soon! If it does not get better, please come back to see me.