• SoL RS Exam - Listening 4
  • MNWeG
  • 22.01.2024
  • English
  • Listening
  • 10
  • Arbeitsblatt
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A - Lis­te­ning Com­pre­hen­si­on

Lis­ten to the You­Tube video

Fei­fei and Rob are tal­king about the phra­se „wake-​up call“. Write the cor­rect name next to the state­ment.
Be ca­re­ful: One state­ment does not fit. Mark this state­ment with a cross.
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I think this is a wake-​up call.

I had to wait for the next one.

You are very breath­less.

That's easy, I just don't sleep an­y­mo­re!

What is my cur­rent si­tu­a­ti­on?

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