• Text based tasks 1
  • MNWeG
  • 17.10.2023
  • English
  • Arbeitsblatt
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A . Text-​based tasks

De­ci­de whe­ther the state­ments are true, false or not in the text.
not in the text
Mind­ful­ness me­di­ta­ti­on is when you ac­cept ever­y­thing as is.
The breath du­ring me­di­ta­ti­on is only im­portant for the be­gin­ning.
A dif­fe­rent me­di­ta­ti­on me­thod are for ex­amp­le wal­king me­di­ta­ti­ons.
Me­di­ta­ti­on can help you to fight your fears.
In order to me­di­ta­te, you should try to find a quiet place where no­bo­dy can dis­turb you.
Mind­ful me­di­ta­ti­on is based on tra­di­ti­ons of Jews.
Fi­nish the sen­ten­ces using the in­for­ma­ti­on given in the text.

  • When your mind wan­ders ...

  • Me­di­ta­ti­on can ...

  • The breath ...
