• Text based tasks 1
  • MNWeG
  • 18.09.2023
  • English
  • Arbeitsblatt
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A . Text-​based tasks

De­ci­de whe­ther the state­ments are true, false or not in the text.
not in the text
Con­fi­dence means to be as­ha­med of yours­elf.
Your goals should be achie­va­ble and con­crete.
We are all the same.
There are ple­nty of mo­ti­va­ti­o­nal trai­nings.
Kno­wing that you are al­re­a­dy great the way you are right now is cru­cial.
Best is to ban your de­vices from your room be­fo­re going to bed.
Fi­nish the sen­ten­ces using the in­for­ma­ti­on given in the text.

  • Be­fo­re going to bed you should ...

  • Your peers can ...

  • To be con­fi­dent you have to ...

Ans­wer the ques­ti­ons in com­ple­te sen­ten­ces.

  • What va­ries be­cau­se we are in­di­vi­du­al?

  • What helps to see things cle­a­rer?

  • De­scri­be the re­al­ly im­portant con­cept men­ti­o­ned at the end of the text.

Ask ques­ti­ons. Use four dif­fe­rent ques­ti­on forms.

You are tal­king to your best fri­end about con­fi­dence. You want to know about his/her con­fi­dence. Ask ques­ti­ons.