• Viewing and Comprehension
  • MNWeG
  • 18.06.2024
  • English
  • R (Regelstandard)
  • 7
  • Arbeitsblatt
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Watch this short film about Jane Goo­dall's work.
Work th­rough the tasks.

Choose the correct ending.

  • They went into the forest
  • Jane came to Africa when she was 26
  • Jane Goodall was the first to discover
  • Jane instantly recognized
  • When Jane arrived in Gombe in 1964
  • At age 76
  • the hills were all forest.
  • that wild chimpanzees were able of making and using tools.
  • which Jane called home for decades.
  • with no scientific background, just a notebook and binoculars.
  • her favorite family.
  • that keeps Jane Goodall on the road 300 days a year.
De­ci­de whe­ther the fol­lo­wing state­ments are true or false.

Chim­pan­zees can be like hu­mans.
To be near Chim­pan­zees, you have to not be va­c­ci­na­ted.
Chim­pan­zees are al­ways shy.
Jane Goo­dall's mis­si­on is to save the chim­pan­zees.