• Writing
  • MNWeG
  • 15.12.2022
  • English
  • M (Mindeststandard)
  • 7
  • Arbeitsblatt
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De­scri­be a weedy se­adra­gon in de­tail!

  • Write down ever­y­thing you know about the weedy se­adra­gon.

  • De­scri­be the ap­pearance of the weedy se­adra­gon.

  • In­clu­de your opi­ni­on about the weedy se­adra­gon. Do you like it and why? What fa­sci­na­tes you about the weedy se­adra­gon?

  • Write about 50 words.

Hel­pful vo­ca­bu­la­ry
