• Letter of Application
  • Nimo
  • 19.12.2024
  • English
  • Writing
  • M (Mindeststandard)
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Let­ter of Ap­pli­ca­ti­on

Wenn du dich be­wirbst, schreibst du auch einen for­ma­len Brief.

Die drei Ab­sät­ze be­zie­hen sich dann na­tür­lich auf die Be­wer­bung/An­zei­ge:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Dear Mrs./Ms./Mr. Ex­amp­le,

Ope­ning pa­ra­graph:

Why are you wri­ting?

Say which po­si­ti­on you are ap­ply­ing for. Where did you learn about the job/see the ad­ver­ti­se­ment?

I am wri­ting to apply for the job as a ...

Midd­le pa­ra­graph:

Skills and ex­pe­ri­en­ces that make you the per­fect can­di­da­te for this parti­cu­lar job:

  • cur­rent (job) si­tu­a­ti­on
  • your qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons, skills and ex­pe­ri­en­ces
  • your in­te­rests

Clo­sing pa­ra­graph:

Why do you want to work for this parti­cu­lar com­pa­ny?

And add the last sen­ten­ces:

Plea­se do not he­si­ta­te to cont­act me for fur­ther in­for­ma­ti­on.

I look for­ward to hea­ring from you soon.

Yours sin­ce­re­ly, (du kennst den Namen des Emp­fän­gers)

Yours faith­ful­ly, (du kennst den Namen des Emp­fän­gers nicht)

Your Si­gna­tu­re (Vor­na­me und Nach­na­me)

Wähle eine An­zei­ge aus und be­wirb dich für den Job.

You love working in a live­ly en­vi­ron­ment? Our stu­dent café is loo­king for a Wai­tress/Wai­ter to join our dy­na­mic team!


  • Serve food and be­ver­a­ges with a smile
  • Take and pro­cess or­ders ac­cu­ra­te­ly
  • Main­tain a clean and or­ga­ni­zed work­space
  • Pro­vi­de ex­cel­lent custo­mer ser­vice to our di­ver­se cli­en­te­le


  • Po­si­ti­ve at­ti­tu­de and wil­ling­ness to learn
  • Ex­cel­lent com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on skills
  • Prior ex­pe­ri­ence is a bonus but not necess­a­ry

In­te­res­ted? Apply now to Ms. So­phie, jobs@stu­dent's_cafe.com

Join our fast-​paced McFries team! Whe­ther you’re a pro in the kit­chen or love ser­ving up smi­les, we have the per­fect role for you. We’re hi­ring for:

  • Ser­vers: En­ga­ge with custo­mers and de­li­ver ex­cel­lent ser­vice
  • Cooks: Pre­pa­re fresh, de­li­cious meals with speed and ac­cu­ra­cy
  • Cle­a­ners: Keep our re­stau­rant spar­kling and in­vi­ting

Why Join Us?

  • Com­pe­ti­ti­ve pay
  • On-​the-job trai­ning
  • Growth op­por­tu­nities
  • Team-​oriented work cul­tu­re

Sound like you? Send your ap­pli­ca­ti­on to Mr. Pick­le at info@mcfries.com.

At IKEA, we be­lie­ve in ma­king life ea­sier for fa­mi­lies, and our in-​store play area is a big part of that! We’re loo­king for a ca­ring and en­er­ge­tic Child­ca­re As­sistant to join our team.

Your Role:

  • Su­per­vi­se child­ren in the Småland play area
  • En­ga­ge in fun and edu­ca­ti­o­nal ac­ti­vi­ties
  • En­su­re the safe­ty and well­b­e­ing of all child­ren
  • Main­tain cle­an­li­ness and or­ga­niza­ti­on of the play space

Apply today and help us crea­te a me­mo­ra­ble ex­pe­ri­ence for our youn­gest vi­si­tors! Cont­act us at join­team@ikea.com.
