• LÖS - The simple past
  • IsabelleG
  • 24.09.2023
  • English
  • Grammar
  • G-Kurs (HS-Niveau)
  • 7
  • Einzellernen
  • Lösungen
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Re­vi­si­on: the simp­le past 1























3) Com­ple­te the sen­ten­ces with the cor­rect form of the simp­le past.

a) Last week Emma met (meet) Cathy in town.

b) In 1997 we moved (move) to Frank­furt.

c) My father my brot­her wat­ched (watch) TV last night.

d) I bought (buy) a new dress yes­ter­day.

e) They ti­di­ed up (tidy up) their be­d­room last Sa­tur­day.

4) Make sen­ten­ces in the simp­le past:

a. my neigh­bour - have - an ac­ci­dent - yes­ter­day.

My neigh­bour had an ac­ci­dent yes­ter­day.

b. Ben - go - to school - last Mon­day.

Ben went to school last Mon­day.

c. Billy - stay - at home - last week.

Billy stay­ed at home last week.

d. We - be - at Kate´s house - on Fri­day.

We were at Kate´s house on Fri­day.

e. I - take - a shower - last night.

I took a shower last night.

Re­vi­si­on: the simp­le past 2

3) Trans­la­te the fol­lo­wing sen­ten­ces. Use the simp­le past.

a) Sie haben am Wo­chen­en­de nicht fern­ge­se­hen.

They didn´t watch TV at the weekend.

b) Wir sind ges­tern nicht schwim­men ge­gan­gen.

We didn´t go swim­ming yes­ter­day.

c) Sa­man­tha hat ges­tern kein Früh­stück ge­macht.

Sa­man­tha didn´t make any break­fast yes­ter­day.

d) Wir haben am Wo­chen­en­de nicht drau­ßen ge­spielt.

We didn´t play out­si­de du­ring the weekend.

e) Ich habe ges­tern keine Haus­auf­ga­ben ge­macht.

Yes­ter­day I didn´t do any ho­me­work.

Re­vi­si­on: the simp­le past 3

1) Read the ans­wers and form the cor­rect ques­ti­ons in the simp­le past:

a. they - at the sta­ti­on - did - ar­ri­ve - when? - They ar­ri­ved at 10.30 p.m .

When did they ar­ri­ve at the sta­ti­on?

b. did - at the re­stau­rant - eat - what - he? – He ate fish and chips.

What did he eat at the re­stau­rant?

c) our team - did - against - play - Bris­tol - how? – We won 3:2.

How did our team play against Bris­tol?

d) go - did - where - your mo­ther? – She went to the bak­ery.

Where did your mo­ther go?

e) did - Clara - and Ja­que­line - do - what? - They danced.

What did Clara and Ja­que­line do?

__2) Write down ques­ti­ons with the verb to be in simp­le past and ans­wer them.

a) Was Dave there, too? (yes)

Yes, Dave was there.

b)Were you late? (no)

No, we weren´t late.

c) Was she good? (yes)

Yes, she was good.

d) Were they at your house? (no)

No, they weren´t.

3)Ask for the un­der­li­ned word.

a) I went to the park.

Where did you go?

b) School star­ted at 7.45.

When did school start?

c) They smiled be­cau­se it was funny.

Why did they smile?

d) Bert play­ed foot­ball yes­ter­day.

What did Bert do yes­ter­day?

e) Erika rode her bike yes­ter­day.

Who rode her bike yes­ter­day?

4) Trans­la­te the ques­ti­ons in the simp­le past.

a) Wo habt ihr euch ge­trof­fen?

Where did you meet?

b) Was hast du ge­sam­melt?

What did you collect?

c) Warum hat sie die Hose ge­kauft?

Why did she buy the trou­sers?
