• ÜB:ÜBUNG: Simple past / Die einfache Vergangenheit (1)
  • IsabelleG
  • 24.09.2023
  • English
  • Grammar
  • G-Kurs (HS-Niveau)
  • 7
  • Einzellernen
  • Übungsblatt
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Com­ple­te the chart: (re­gu­lar verbs)

in­fi­ni­ti­ve / Grund­form

simp­le past form


to play

to watch

to look

to lis­ten

to walk

Com­ple­te the chart: (ir­re­gu­lar verbs)

to go

to fly

to get

to meet

to teach

Com­ple­te the sen­ten­ces with the cor­rect form of the simp­le past.

a) Last week Emma (meet) Cathy in town.

b) In 1997 we (move) to Frank­furt.

c) My father my brot­her (watch) TV last night.

d) I (buy) a new dress yes­ter­day.

e) They (tidy up) their be­d­room last Sa­tur­day.
Make sen­ten­ces in the simp­le past:

a. my neigh­bour - have - an ac­ci­dent - yes­ter­day.


b. Ben - go - to school - last Mon­day.


c. Billy - stay - at home - last week.


d. We - be - at Kate´s house - on Fri­day.


e. I - take - a shower - last night.
