• ÜB:ÜBUNG: Simple past / Die einfache Vergangenheit
  • IsabelleG
  • 30.10.2023
  • English
  • Grammar
  • LE (Mit Unterstützung)
  • 7
  • Einzellernen
  • Übungsblatt
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Com­ple­te the chart: (re­gu­lar verbs)

in­fi­ni­ti­ve / Grund­form

simp­le past form


to play

to watch

to lis­ten

Com­ple­te the chart: (ir­re­gu­lar verbs)

to go

to get

to meet

Com­ple­te the sen­ten­ces with the cor­rect form of the simp­le past.

a) Last week Emma (meet) Cathy in town.

b) In 1997 we (move) to Frank­furt.

c) My father my brot­her (watch) TV last night.

d) I (buy) a new dress yes­ter­day.

e) They (tidy up) their be­d­room last Sa­tur­day.
Tick the cor­rect ne­ga­ti­on in simp­le past.
a. Mo­ritz didn´t ate pasta.

b. Emily and Erick weren´t at the ci­ne­ma.

c. We didn´t take the train.

d. We didn´t watch the film.

e. They did not shou­ted.
Read the ans­wers and form the cor­rect ques­ti­ons in the simp­le past:

a. they - at the sta­ti­on - did - ar­ri­ve - when? - They ar­ri­ved at 10.30 p.m .


b. did - at the re­stau­rant - eat - what - he? – He ate fish and chips.


c) our team - did - against - play - Bris­tol die - how? – We won 3:2.


Write down ques­ti­ons with the verb to be in simp­le past and ans­wer them.

a) Dave there, too? (yes)

b) you late? (no)

c) she good? (yes)

Write down ques­ti­ons with the verb to be in simp­le past and ans­wer them.

a) Was Dave there, too? (yes)

Yes, Dave was there.

b)Were you late? (no)

No, we weren´t late.

c) Was she good? (yes)

Yes, she was good.

d) Were they at your house? (no)

No, they weren´t.
