• Klasse 7: Unit 1: I love London (M)
  • anonym
  • 09.09.2022
  • English
  • M (Mindeststandard)
  • 7
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I Love London Mugs

I love London

Übernimm die Überschrift in deinen Hefter und unterstreiche sie.

What do you know about London? Make a network with sights, attractions and people you think of when you hear the word London.


Open your book at page 8 and 9. There is a quiz with 8 questions.
Do the quiz in your folder and check the answers on page 138 below.
Read the Text File on page136-138 to consolidate (festigen) the facts about London.
What do remember?
Open your workbook at page 2 and do number 1 a) and b)
Compare with the copy from the WB at your teacher.
Find out more about London sights.
Watch the video.

Take notes in your folder:
-Write down at least five London sights.
Our trip to London | Englisch-Video für den Unterricht
London ist eine riesige Stadt mit vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten wie zum Beispiel dem Buckingham Palace oder dem Tower of ...
What do you think about the tour? Take notes.

I think the tour was ... (great, boring, exciting, cool, ...) (because ... ).

What was your favourite sight?

My favourite sight was ... (because ...). (Nutze dies bei einer Sehenswürdigkeit)
My favourite sights were ... . (Nutze dies bei mehreren Sehenswürdigkeiten)
Copy the new words into your vocabulary book (3spaltig).
page 188 palace bis sights
Practice the correct pronunciation with your teacher if you want.

What's special about London?

Do number 1a) in your textbook on page 10 and 11.
Read the text and listen.
Check new words in the vocabulary part of your book.
And now do exercise 1b) on page 11
Read the texts again for exercises 1c) and 1d) on page 11.
What do you know about Great Britain?
Workbook page 3, number 3
You can use page 72 for help.
Compare with the copy from the WB at your teacher.
Copy the new words into your vocabulary book.
page 188 What's special about - page 189 brilliant

Practice the pronunciation of the words with your teacher if you want.

Now you! What's interesting about your town or your village?

Think about your town or village.

What's good? What's not so good?

textbook page 11, number 2ab

Choose a partner for a dialogue.

Time limit: 5 minutes

Go to the teacher to present your dialogue.
What are the downsides of your town?;
workbook page 3, number 4a,
Compare with the copy from the WB at your teacher.

Amazing London

textbook page 12/1

Then make a list of sights that you would like to visit in London.
Is there a sight that you would not want to visit? Note that too.
Copy the new words. page 189: transport - page 190 I'd prefer