• Klasse 7: Unit 1: Stop! Check! Go! (M)
  • anonym
  • 09.09.2022
  • English
  • M (Mindeststandard)
  • 7
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Stop! Check! Go!

Check what you have learned in unit 1.
Revision: page 24/1

Revision: workbook: pages 15 and 16, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Compare with the copy from the WB at your teacher.
Mediation: page 25/4
Notiere bei den Lücken die kompletten Sätze.
Listening: workbook page 12/ number 19

Die Hörtexte im workbook findest du im Internet.
Nutze dafür die Anleitung auf der hinteren Umschlagseite.
Frage bei Problemen bei der Aufsicht nach.
page 24/ 2 words a)
number 2 b)
Write the complete phrases, not just the missing word
2 c) You can invent (erfinden) ideas.
page 25/ 3a) Look at the pictures carefully before you listen. Listen once for ex. a).
3b) Read the question before you listen. Write the numbers 1 - 5 in your folder.
Listen again to do b)
page 26 / 5a)

Don't use a dictionary for this exercise.

Look at skills file 2 on page 155 for help.
ex. 5b - Show your drawings to your teacher.
page 26/ number 6 a), b) c)

Read the tasks carefully.
Look at SF 10 Writing a report on page 165.
Show your text to your teacher.
page 27 / number 7
WB p.14 / Read the texts.

Show that you are an English expert.

My learner log: page 27/ number 8
Übernimm das Lerntagebuch auf einem neuen Blatt und ergänze es mit deinen eigenen Angaben.

You did a good job.

This was the last material for unit 1.

Now go to the teacher and do the test.
